Solving the AI talent gap by
Teaching applied AI with real-world challenges
for real-world skills

We train and assess a generation of AI engineers
Real-world skills training & assessment enables us to make the perfect match of your and the candidates requirements. Members are assessed by solving real problems. Every hard and soft skill in their skill tree can be traced back to solutions they've delivered and code they wrote. It doesn't get more accurate than this. Focus your job interview on cultural fit - the grande finale of finding your perfect match.
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AI for Good Challenges to educate & give your AI talent a purpose
Energize your teams with AI for Good challenges. Your employees will learn to apply AI in real life and develop project management and leadership skills, while helping the world to tackle its most urgent issues to meet the UN Sustainable Development Goals. Motivate developers and domain experts to grow with technical challenges that have a real impact.
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Expand your education offering with tailored Applied AI programs
We collaborate with higher education organizations all over the world on providing their students with real-world experience and expanding their skills portfolio with challenge based learning. We create tailored bootcamps for schools, run challenges with universities, collaborate on AI for Good Labs and university associated FruitPunch AI Chapters. Students will not only learn how to apply AI to real-world solutions, but acquire essential project management, organizational, entrepreneurial and storytelling skills.
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We crowdsource AI solutions from data + problem to a solution in 10 weeks
The goal and the “data work”
The lead up time is undefined and depends on how fast we can define the problem to be solved by our AI for Good community. Data is important for any machine learning project. Where data isn’t available, extracted or usable, data sourcing and preparation work has to be done before we start the challenge. Based on our current capacity, we’ll find the best course of action.
Challenge announcement
From the moment of announcement until the launch of the challenge we will spend 6 weeks to recruit participants and give challenge-focused masterclasses to get everyone up to speed. We’ll connect the organization and partners to our AI for Good community, generate awareness to promote the cause and recruit the challenge team. There will be typically 2 masterclasses, one on the challenge domain and one on the AI applicable to that domain.
Challenge kick-off
We’ll get all the teams together, introduce the partners, AI for Good Engineer team, the project manager, product owner, scrum master, work group coordinators and a storyteller. We’ll present the challenge goals and give background information, instruct the teams on all organizational details. The 10 week project is kicked off.
Midterm presentations
Besides regular weekly updates, we’ll have a check-up on progress halfway in the challenge. Depending on the challenge, midterm presentations usually conclude a data analysis, tool and model sourcing first part of the challenge. Figuring out what’s available out there and what would be the best fit to tackle the challenge.
Final presentations
At the end of the 10 week streak, we’ll have everyone back to present the results and learning points, talk about their experience, what did and what didn’t work. This event is a public affair, we’ll announce it over our channels and encourage our community to register and attend. The recording will be available to view on demand for everyone interested in the topic.
Wrapping up and sharing results
We get stuff done. The challenge owner takes the results of the challenge team and implements them. To expand the impact of the AI for Good challenges we’ll make the result accessible to the public via open source channels. We’ll accredit the participants with certificates highlighting their achievements and acquired skills. We’ll spread the word about the challenge, partners and the team and their accomplishments.
Submit an AI for Good Challenge
Do you have data and a problem that can be solved by applying machine learning technology? Let us organize a group of up to 50 AI engineers to address the issue and come up with an MVP in 10 weeks time. Our platform facilitates a productive exchange of AI expertise.

Why should you work with FruitPunch AI?
AI talent training & assessment
We train and assess AI engineers in a real-world setting to find your ideal job match. Unlike the usual places you go to look for your future employees, skills in our platform are not self-reported but tested and peer reviewed in actual AI application projects.
Get in touchChallenge-based learning+
We haven’t invented challenge based learning, but we’re taking it to a different level. Our holistic approach adds skill assessment and development to the journey of professional evolution. Moreover, our challenges are designed by organizations that will apply the results in real life.
Get in touchCommunity of purpose
Our community is impact motivated. This impact goes beyond developing a better code. Our AI engineers and contributors want to have an impact in the real world, they want to grow as professionals and help solve humanity's biggest issues.
Get in touchFuture of AI work
AI talent of today has different expectations of finding and doing meaningful work. Giving them the opportunity to do so is our mission. We connect software engineers all around the world, train & assess them in real-world AI applications to be able to match them with their dream job.
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